Health care workers are at high risk of contracting COVID-19. We estimated that SARS-Cov-2 would contaminate 25 % of our workforce during the outbreak. The face shield represents essential equipment to protect our health care team.
Unfortunately, we have a shortage of face shield due to the high demand for this equipment during the COVID-19 Outbreak.
To solve this problem, we developed the 2 Simple face shield
They are made of 0,5mm PETG sheet cut by CO2 laser
Files to download
How to assemble
How to Clean / Como limpar
- Neutral soap;
- 70 ° alcohol or polymeric biguanide;
- Apron;
- PPE’s
- Procedure gloves;
- Disposable surface cleaning cloth
Procedure description
Attention: The professional must be dressed appropriately with PPE’s to avoid contact and droplet directive to his skin or mucosa. He must wash his hand at the beginning and the end of the cleaning procedure ;
- Start performing a visual inspection to detect any dirty;
- Rinse thoroughly with soap and water;
- Dry with a dry cloth;
- Moisten the cleaning cloth with 70 ° alcohol and / or Optigerm;
- Pass the damp cloth on the internal and external parts;
- Put in a dry place as a shelf to dry.
This equipment must be cleaned after each use
This equipment must be cleaned before the start of the shift and at the end of the shift.
- Sabão neutro;
- Álcool 70° ou Optigerm;
- Avental;
- EPI’s
- Luvas de procedimento;
- Pano de limpeza de superfícies descartáveis;
Atenção: O profissional deverá realizar a lavagem das mãos no início e ao término da limpeza do protetor e estar devidamente paramentado com EPI’s de acordo com diretriz de precaução de contato e gotícula;
- Realizar inspeção visual para detectar qualquer resíduo;
- Enxaguar abundante com agua e sabão;
- Secar com pano seco;
- Umedecer o pano de limpeza com o álcool 70°e/ou Optigerm;
- Passar o pano umedecido nas partes internas e externas;
- Recolocar em local seco como prateleira para secar.
- A higienização deste equipamento deverá ser sempre após a cada uso e/ou quando houver necessidade.
- A higienização deste equipamento deverá ser antes do início do plantão e ao término do mesmo.